Advanced Usage

This details some more advanced usages of Lumberjack. You don’t need to read this just to get up and running, but it might be handy when tweaking your cluster later on.

Custom Elasticsearch objects

You can also create an elasticsearch.Elasticsearch object yourself and pass it in. This is useful if you want to do some customisation of the Elasticsearch connection, for example to connect using Thrift:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from lumberjack import Lumberjack

es = Elasticsearch(connection_class=ThriftConnection)
lj = Lumberjack(elasticsearch=es)

Index suffixes

Indices created by Lumberjack are named using a constant prefix and a time-based suffix, so might be named generic-logging-2014.10 for log entries from an unconfigured Lumberjack instance in October 2014. (For details about the prefix, see the Configuration section of the documentation.)

When calling the lumberjack.Lumberjack.get_handler() method, you can specify a ‘suffix format’. When the handler receives a new log event, it determines the suffix by formatting the time of the event with this string using time.strftime(). In this way you can alter the time-period your indices span:

from lumberjack import Lumberjack
import logging

lj = Lumberjack(hosts=[...])

day_handler = lj.get_handler(suffix_format='%Y.%m.%d')

my_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

In this example a log event that happened on 2014-10-07 would be stored in a different index to one that happened on 2014-10-08. This is useful if you end up with lots of indices that are too small, or too few indices that are too big. (Both of these cases are inefficient.)

In fact you can even customise your handlers based on the frequency of various different events that Lumberjack is attached to:

from lumberjack import Lumberjack
import logging

lj = Lumberjack(hosts=[...])

day_handler = lj.get_handler(suffix_format='%Y.%m.%d')
month_handler = lj.get_handler(suffix_format='%Y.%m') # The default

high_volume_logger = logging.getLogger('pageviews')

low_volume_logger = logging.getLogger('')